General FAQ’s
Why do I need to wear eyewear?
Eyelids block less than 25% of harmful UV rays, so closing your eyes is not protecting you from the UVA and UVB rays from a tanning bed. Red, itchy or watery eyes may be an indication of short-term damage – your eyes have been sunburned! Repeated exposure will reduce night vision, diminish color perception, and increase your probability of brunescent cataracts. Surgery is the only cure for cataracts. UV exposure diminishes color vision. EYEWEAR MUST BE SHOWN EVERYTIME YOU TAN.
Can I tan without my keycard?
Yes, you may tan without your keycard as long as you have a valid photo ID.
Do my units expire?
Units expire 2 years from the date of purchase.
Can I freeze my Club Max membership?
Yes, you can freeze memberships. Appropriate forms to do this must be filled out IN STORE by the 20th of the month before you want the freeze to start.
I'm going on vacation how far in advance should I start tanning?
We recommend to start tanning at least a month in advance. This will allow you to slowly and safely build a base tan before your vacation.